What We Do
Universal Primary Education (UPE) is one of the Government of Uganda’s main policy tools for achieving poverty reduction and human development. Broadly speaking, its main objectives are to:
- provide the facilities and resources to enable every child to enter and remain in school until the primary cycle of education is complete;
- make education equitable in order to eliminate disparities and inequalities;
- ensure that education is affordable by the majority of Ugandans;
- reduce poverty by equipping every individual with basic skills.
While the government of Uganda has promised to provide free education to every child, the sad reality is, they are unable to meet this need in the rural parts of the country. In these areas, churches and other non-profit organizations are building up a network of private schools to fill the gap. The parents in rural Uganda often have to choose between educating their children and providing food, healthcare and the most basic of needs. Now, more than ever, we realize how important education is in lifting the children and their families out of poverty.
Where public education is unavailable, King’s Kids Africa will pay for the cost of education for its children.
Primary school typically includes:
- Ten classes – 3 levels of pre-primary (“baby”, “middle” and “top”) and P1 through P7
- Three 3-month terms
Following primary school, students attend middle school, which is comparable to high school in the United States.